Our Guestbook
Thank you for visiting our pages. We would love it if you would
sign our guestbook.
Your site is great. I just happened to have a moment to surf the net and came across it. I like your web page I am going to tell my friends about it.
Congratulations! Your site is great and IŽll be back soon! Greetings from Nackte Stars
Nackte Stars <nackte_stars2002@hotmail.com>
Greets & Best Wishes!
analsex <anna.lieb@e-post.de>
I am the State President of teh Interdenominational Church Ushers' Association of Maryland, Inc. Junior and Young Peoples' Department, an affiliate of the National United Church Ushers' Association of America, Inc. This is a beautiful and informative website. Please visit my organization/department's webpage and sign its guestbook. Thank You and God Bless!
Jasmine Myers-Duncan
Baltimore, Interdenominational Church Ushers' Association of Maryland, Inc. -
Your site is very nice! I like it! Lisa
Lesben <lisa_lesben@hotmail.com>
Hey! Great website! Keep it up!
EEEE-YIP!!! Just wanted to stop by and show some Sigma Love to all my blu-tiful sorors. Keep the torch bright and show us some love on our site. That ACE from Fall 2K1...yip yip
Flo <Kenonta@hotmail.com>
Columbia, SC, Sigma Gamma Rho -
Hello all, from Soror Youlanda in AZ. Love the website. Much love to my old crew, always good to see and hear everyone is well. Hope to see ya soon, up in Chi Town.
Youlanda White <sigmaaz97@aol.com>
Chandler, Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority -
I just wanted to show Greek love and unity by saying that you all have a wonderful web page. Keep up the great work.
Also, Candace Clark - I attended I-State with you from 1995-1999 and was wondering if you would be able to help me locate your Soror, Latoya Brown. Latoya and I attended elementary school together and went to I-State together. I lost touch with her after I left. If you have contact with her, please tell her to e-mail me at the above referenced address. I greatly appreciate any assistance you can offer.
Sarah Lewis (Jelks)
Zee-Phi 'til the day that I die!!!!!!!!!
Sarah Lewis <saylew9@hotmail.com>
St. Petersburg, Florida, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. - Zee Phi So Sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
Sorors, you have it going on, and I can not wait to meet you at the regionals!!
Soror Mack <macksgrho@yahoo.com>
C-Town, -
I had a great time watching your photos. I think that your work is very inspirational. Much love to you all.
Marilyn Dailey <m723d57@hotmail.com>
Montgomery,AL, Beta Sigma Chapter (SGRho) -
EEE-Yip to my Sorors of Theta Chi Sigma Chapter.
Kawanna Toney <kntoney@hotmail.com>
Maywood, Sigma Gamma Rho - Theta Chi Sigma Chapter -
Great jobs sorors! This is a beautiful website. I am a native of Chicago and would love to support your events when I come and visit. Please put me on your mailing list. Thanks.
Kim Thomas-Taylor <sigmarose22@aol.com>
Augusta, GA, Delta Alpha Sigma -
Sorors, I really admire the website! It is pleasing to the eye and informative... the perfect combination. Continue to represent the RHOyal blue and Majestic Gold. You are wonderful examples of what the Sigma woman should be!
Rhoyally Yours,
Shadow #1, Shades of Darkness, Nu Omicron
Oneiceia <sigmashadow@netscape.net>
Norfolk, Sigma Gamma Rho -
Sorors, I am loving your website! It is sophisticated and classy; elements of true Sigma Women. Congratulations on a wonderful site and your latest honors.
Soror Chere'
Chere' Bosch <devilish_2@hotmail.com>
Charleston, SC , Delta Iota Sigma Chapter -
Much love to my sorors from your neo
S.S. Mosaic
Soror Tracy Walker <sigma3_tcs@yahoo.com>
Waukegan, IL, -
Much love to my sorors from your neo
S.S. Mosaic
Soror Tracy Walker <sigma3_tcs@yahoo.com>
Waukegan, IL, -
This is just a test
Soror Gina Barnes <swass@sgrhoonline.org>
C-Town, Sigma Gamma Rho -